AI – Agent Game Studio

The AI Agent Game Studio is a piece of software that is capable of taking your game ideas/prompts and generating a playable game for Windows systems. You don’t need any external library to run the program the only setup required is to obtain a Anthropic/Claude API Key which can be done at the following link (

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For further details please watch the following video…

Current Features Include:

  • Generating .cs game file.
  • Compiling the game file into a .exe(executable that can run on any Windows PC).
  • Ability to bug test and re-prompt the AI Agents to solve issues and add more features to your games.
  • Custom Assets Mode – This allows the AI Agents to know that you are willing to provide your own custom sprites. This allows them to make higher quality games but you will be required to create any assets that the AI agents require.
  • AI Agents program using the GDI+ For the graphical backend.

Current Limitations:

  • If your game .cs file that the AI Agents generate get to large it can exceed the token limit and return only broken code or half code. If this happens the AI Agents will be stuck in a bug fixing loop. They will never be able to fix this issue as it’s not an issue with the code and simply a limitation with the current Claude API.
  • We currently use the debug/bug testing agent to add new features that we want into our games. Because this agent is designed to fix issues and not implement new features sometimes the features we request are not implemented correctly.

Features Currently In-Development:

  • Multi-Class file generation, Once implemented this will fix the AI Agents exceeding the API token limit as each class will be separated into its own file.
  • Feature / Mechanics Agent, This new agent will be able to add new mechanics and features into the game.
  • Load Projects, This will allow you to load in an already created project and allow the AI Agents to edit it.
  • Open GL integration, This will allow the AI Agents to create smoother gameplay and even 3D graphics!